Monday, September 8, 2008

Scar story. Word to your mother?

Today in class we discussed the basic layout of Word 2007. It was good for me to review some of the icons and control buttons to enable me to use Word 2007 more effectively. I realized that I have been making the program more difficult than necessary, when in fact, the program is designed to make writing documents much easier.

Scars on my body are about as common as freckles. For those of you that know me, I have a lot freckles and was known as a young laddie as "freckle face." My most apparent scar has a good story behind it........
The last day of classes of my junior year in high school had ended and my friend threw a party at his newly constructed/reformed house. The party turned into a typical high school party where drinking and mayhem prevail. I took no part in the drinking aspect. The party was broken up by an empty threat to call the police. Everyone scurried like small red ants fleeing a mischievous child. A friend and I started walking towards my house where he was planning on sleeping over. As someone from the party drove by, I pretended to walk into a street sign and fall over, expecting a humorous reaction. They stopped, asked if I was alright, laughed and drove off. It was exactly the reaction I wanted, yet as I stood up I saw that my arm was drenched in blood and it was bleeding quite a bit. Apparently I scraped my arm on the corner of the street sign as I "fell" over. In embarrassment I refused to get stitches, so I settled with ace bandage and lots of neosporin. The scar remains today as a reminder of my idiocy.

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