Monday, September 29, 2008

Editor and Chief

Today I was like, "ah ha" when we saw all the cool editing options that Nicole showed us, it was pretty awesome. I am excited to learn and understand Word 2007 thoroughly so that I can use all its' functions properly.
The worst movie/movies ever are the Narnia movies. Bad acting, script and very cheesy. Although they are made for kids, a good movie can be enjoyed by all ages and entertain them. I was never entertained during these lame movies.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Today we learned how to edit and maintain our geology websites. My ah-ha moment was when we made links to the internet! It was amazing, life-changing in fact.
I always wanted to be a weather man when I was little. I was fascinated with hurricanes, tornadoes, lightening, etc. I also and not very shy so it would be a great job.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Momdays are not my favorite.

My ah-ha moment today was that I already knew a lot of internet vocabulary, that I thought I was not familiar with. We discussed terms such as server, network, domain, html, browser, etc. I am enjoying learning about these things and their purpose.
My favorite food is rice and beans. This does not mean that it is the most delicious food, but the most endurable food. I could eat rice and beans two times a day everyday and I do not believe I could say that about anything else. Rice and beans also is a great side dish to meat, vegetables, and starches.
And Mondays are lame.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Princess Brier Rose

Today we discussed writing skills and principles, particularly abstracts. An abstract should include a problem, method of attack, important results, and main conclusions. I realized today that abstracts indeed are important when doing research and many times are the only thing you read.
I want to be able to fly! It has been my dream since I was a little boy. I love heights and thrills. Flying would be the perfect solution to my desires and personality.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Butter Spreader

Today in class we learned about RefWorks, which is a website which helps you site references in various formats. It allows you to easily manage your references and format it specifically to the output style desired.
My favorite tool/household item is the butter spreader. You can put a stick of butter inside of a plastic butter holder/spreader. The end of the butter spreader has a half-circle opening which allows the butter to spread on corn perfectly to your desired amount. My grandpa, in his old-age craziness once said, " This is the greatest invention ever!" It has been a joke in our family to this day. Every time we have corn in our dinner, we bust out the greatest invention ever and enjoy the crispy, buttery taste of nicely spread butter.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I Propose to Write a Proposal

Today we learned a bit about proposals and how to write one in an efficient and effective manner. I like this assignment because it relates to the real world and gives us practice.
My dream vacation is actually in the making. I would love to travel all around Europe by train and with no plans, just doing whatever I want to. A friend and I are planning on going next summer and staying for about 2 months, doing what I want, when I want and where I want. We plan on getting the European train pass and staying in hostels. It would be a very exciting trip geologically and culturally.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Be Prepared

How can I land a job through an interview? What do employees want to see in you? How do yo portray your qualities to an interviewer? Why are you unique? How can you show your uniqueness to the interviewer?
These are some of the questions presented to us today of how to get an interview and succeed in the interview. I really enjoyed the lecture and it has allowed me to analyze myself and my previous job interviews.
I am unique in several ways. My father has his own business which has a been a 10-year process and finally the company is coming together. I was able to assist and learn along with him the last two summers and I lerned a number of skills, several of which are related to geology. I am also unique because I am a very open-minded learner. I am always excited to learn new things and imporove my inteligence.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hockey Anyone?

Today, September 10, 2008, we learned some things concerning resumes. What stuck with me after today's discussion is that a resumes purpose is to simply get an interview. Once you get an interview, the rest is up to and your people skills.
Alright, so Freshemen year of college is the ultimate time to do pranks. One that I found rather creative and hilarious was pee pucks. A group of my friends all urinated, poured our urine onto paper plates and froze the urine in the freezer. Late at night, we woke, dressed in black, retrieved the frozen pee plates and made our way over to the girls dormitory. A friend of ours let us in the dorms and we flipped the plates, the pee pucks popped right out and we slide the pucks under the doors of a few enemies of ours. Over the period of the night the pucks melted and left an odor worth remembering. If this was a hockey game, we definitely won.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Scar story. Word to your mother?

Today in class we discussed the basic layout of Word 2007. It was good for me to review some of the icons and control buttons to enable me to use Word 2007 more effectively. I realized that I have been making the program more difficult than necessary, when in fact, the program is designed to make writing documents much easier.

Scars on my body are about as common as freckles. For those of you that know me, I have a lot freckles and was known as a young laddie as "freckle face." My most apparent scar has a good story behind it........
The last day of classes of my junior year in high school had ended and my friend threw a party at his newly constructed/reformed house. The party turned into a typical high school party where drinking and mayhem prevail. I took no part in the drinking aspect. The party was broken up by an empty threat to call the police. Everyone scurried like small red ants fleeing a mischievous child. A friend and I started walking towards my house where he was planning on sleeping over. As someone from the party drove by, I pretended to walk into a street sign and fall over, expecting a humorous reaction. They stopped, asked if I was alright, laughed and drove off. It was exactly the reaction I wanted, yet as I stood up I saw that my arm was drenched in blood and it was bleeding quite a bit. Apparently I scraped my arm on the corner of the street sign as I "fell" over. In embarrassment I refused to get stitches, so I settled with ace bandage and lots of neosporin. The scar remains today as a reminder of my idiocy.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Voice Through Style



212 Resources owns and operates the platform technology that solves the water management challenge for flowback and produced water from the drilling and production of natural gas. Our transportable drill-site based “Pods” and our fixed treatment plants economically deliver year-round fresh water from complex, high TDS waters. Whether natural gas, coalbed methane, oil, tar sands, or shale production, our patented system economically:

The all caps in the title suggests the theme and the most important idea that the reader should understand. The fonts are different on the web page, so here's the link:
The quotes in the passage suggest a term which is not familiar to the average reader and that it is a term used within the company.

The New Secret Society

I am now part of this new secret society, which is the society of bloggers. I have always interpreted blogging as an emotional and interpretive hobby, which allows people to express the side of themselves that never has been revealed.